Rural Water
Kerry County Council administers the Rural Water Programme in conjunction with Department of Environment which provides funding for the programme, and also with grant aid through the national CLÁR programme (administered by the Dept. of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs).
For any queries relating to Rural Water please contact 066 7163469 or email
The Rural Water Programme comprises the following Grant Schemes:
A Grants for Individual Domestic Water Well Supplies:
This grant assists householders, who are dependent on private individual water supplies that are deficient in quality and quantity, to upgrade these supplies.
Click here for application form
Explanatory Memo
B Grants for Water and Waste Water Group Schemes:
Construction Grants for Group Water and Sewerage Schemes
Grants for the Refurbishment of Group Schemes prior to Takeover by the Council
Grants for Small Public Water and Sewerage Schemes
C Subsidy Grants for Group Water Supply Schemes:
This grant is made available to Trustees of Group Water Supply Schemes. It is a contribution towards the running costs incurred in supplying domestic consumers on private group water schemes that are served from either public or private sources of supply. In Kerry, this grant system applies to approximately 189 group schemes.
Subsidy towards the Operational Costs of Group Water Schemes
D Grants payable under the Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems: (Financial Assistance) Regulations 2013 (S. I. No. 222 of 2013)
This grant is to assist with the cost of remediation of domestic waste water treatment systems which are deemed, following inspection under the EPA’s National Inspection Plan and subsequent issue of an Advisory Notice by the local authority, to require repair or upgrading.
Click here for application form
Explanatory Memo
E Grants payable under the Domestic Lead Remediation: (Financial Assistance) Regulations 2016 (S. I. No. 56 of 2016)
This grant is to assist owners of premises connected to a domestic water supply with the cost of replacing lead piping or related fittings located within the internal distribution system of the premises, as defined in the Water Services Act 2007. The premises concerned must be occupied by the applicant as his or her principle private residence. To date, 324 group water schemes have been developed in Kerry. Of these, 234 have been taken over and are now maintained by Kerry County Council.
Click here for application form
For any queries relating to Rural Water please contact 066 7163469 or email
The Rural Water Programme comprises the following Grant Schemes:
A Grants for Individual Domestic Water Well Supplies:
This grant assists householders, who are dependent on private individual water supplies that are deficient in quality and quantity, to upgrade these supplies.
Click here for application form
Explanatory Memo
B Grants for Water and Waste Water Group Schemes:
Construction Grants for Group Water and Sewerage Schemes
Grants for the Refurbishment of Group Schemes prior to Takeover by the Council
Grants for Small Public Water and Sewerage Schemes
C Subsidy Grants for Group Water Supply Schemes:
This grant is made available to Trustees of Group Water Supply Schemes. It is a contribution towards the running costs incurred in supplying domestic consumers on private group water schemes that are served from either public or private sources of supply. In Kerry, this grant system applies to approximately 189 group schemes.
Subsidy towards the Operational Costs of Group Water Schemes
D Grants payable under the Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems: (Financial Assistance) Regulations 2013 (S. I. No. 222 of 2013)
This grant is to assist with the cost of remediation of domestic waste water treatment systems which are deemed, following inspection under the EPA’s National Inspection Plan and subsequent issue of an Advisory Notice by the local authority, to require repair or upgrading.
Click here for application form
Explanatory Memo
E Grants payable under the Domestic Lead Remediation: (Financial Assistance) Regulations 2016 (S. I. No. 56 of 2016)
This grant is to assist owners of premises connected to a domestic water supply with the cost of replacing lead piping or related fittings located within the internal distribution system of the premises, as defined in the Water Services Act 2007. The premises concerned must be occupied by the applicant as his or her principle private residence. To date, 324 group water schemes have been developed in Kerry. Of these, 234 have been taken over and are now maintained by Kerry County Council.
Click here for application form
Contact Us
Water Services Operational Unit
Castleisland Area Services Centre,
Station Road,
Co. Kerry
Tel: 066/7163400
Castleisland Area Services Centre,
Station Road,
Co. Kerry
Tel: 066/7163400