Local Agenda 21


Environmental Awareness

Do you have a project or initiative that could contribute to increasing local levels of environmental awareness or one which promotes building, greener more sustainable communities? If so, you may qualify for financial assistance from the Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund 2018. The Fund promotes small scale, non-profit environmental projects at local level.
Does Your Project Qualify?
Projects should focus on environmental awareness and action which complement national environmental policies such as those on Waste, Biodiversity, Water, Air, Sustainable Development and Climate Change. A wide variety of projects and schemes have been supported under the Fund in previous years ranging from community gardens, allotments and compost schemes to rainwater harvesting systems, educational initiatives and environmental workshops. A list of previous winning projects can be viewed online at www.environ.ie
How to Apply
Further information and an application form can be obtained from the Kerry County Council’s Environmental Services Office at Maine Street, Tralee, Tel: 066 7162000. Application forms are also available on-line at www.dccae.gov.ie or at www.kerrycoco.ie
Applications must be made to your local authority by June 20th at 5pm, 2018
For general information on the Fund contact:
Liz O’Donnell, Environmental Services, Maine Streeet, Tralee, Co Kerry
Tel: 066 7162000 email environ@kerrycoco.ie

Application Form

Téir I dtreangbháil linn

Póna Comhairle Contae Chiarraí, Trá Lí, Co. Chiarraí T: 066 – 7183700
E: dogpound@kerrycoco.ie
Oscailte do coinní amhain idir 10.00am- 1.00pm  & 2.00pm – 5.00pm  ón Luan go Aoine